Asperger Syndrome Details - Typical Behavior And What To Do With It

It's important to understand Asperger syndrome details if you have a child, spouse or family member with this specific kind of mild autism.

The development disorder shows itself in infancy or in early childhood, although it can be too subtle to detect easily.

Through early diagnosis and assistance, the family can achieve better stress relief with the daily activities of caring for a person with Asperger syndrome (SA).

Some professional support can be needed in areas of crisis intervention, behavioral, speech, stress relief and recreational therapies.

It occurs in approximately 1 in every 250 people of all races, cultures and social status. And in the current way of making the Asperger diagnose, a majority seems to be males.

People diagnosed with the syndrome vary in abilities, intelligence levels and behavioral characteristics, like all people do.

However, they share some common Asperger syndrome details:

  • Significantly impaired social skills.

  • Limited number of interests and activities.

  • Significantly impaired communication abilities.

  • Often anxious and/or obsessive behavior and focus.

Causes and Influencing Aspects

Asperger Syndrome details cannot pinpoint a single known root cause.

Medical professionals have yet to determine differences in brain structure, chemistry or function in individuals with this condition. Here is what ongoing research shows:

  • Some brain areas seem to work together in an unusual manner.

  • Concentrations of neuro-transmitters, the message-carrying chemicals between brain cells may be too high or too low.

  • Evidently, they do not perceive or process incoming sensory information, such as hearing, sight, touch, smell and movement, in the same way as other people. Correct modulation of this incoming signals seems often a problem.

  • Genetics seems to play a big influence in the distribution of this developmental disorder. It seems to "run in the family" in different grades of severity. The so-called "Broad Autism Phenotype" indicates people with an even milder form of autism. Often, some family members of a person with Asperger syndrome have this.

How is Asperger Syndrome Diagnosed?

It usually takes an interdisciplinary assessment team, composed of psychologist, social worker, doctor and physical or occupational therapist, working in concert to compile information.

Imbalanced developmental patterns are monitored, such as problems with:

  • Playing with toys or peers.

  • Developing language skills.

  • Pretending.

  • Interacting with adults.

  • Reacting to sensory stimuli, particular noises or objects.

  • Understanding their own emotions and emotions of others.

Significant Asperger Syndrome Details

The high functioning person with Asperger Syndrome does not evidence motor problems; but, tends to be somewhat clumsy.

They understand literally what people want to say to them. Unlike those with regressive/epileptic type autism, they seldom have full epileptic seizures, but they may have cerebral abnormalities.  (Courchesne et al 1988).

They experience concrete thinking, with less common sense beyond logic reasoning. Some noises hurt their ears, yet they can become fascinated with some specific sounds such as a flushing toilet.

Stress relief therapy is often needed because of their dash of autism that generates a fragmented perception of reality, often accompanied by frequent frustration and chronic anxiety.

A lot of aspergers think in pictures or in patterns rather than in linguistic concepts, like most of us. Therefore illustrated schedules can help them to organize specific tasks or their life in general.

Listing Asperger syndrome details can paint a challenging picture, but the condition sometimes does come with phenomenal benefits. And adequate assistance can make a big difference in the quality of life of the Asperger person.

Benefits of Asperger Syndrome

The world needs people with strong determination for detail. Because they think or function more specifically, people with this syndrome can contribute tremendously to society, especially as engineers, investigators or creators of some kind.

Just view them as natural born specialists. They often perceive and process specific information in a deeper, sustained way than most of us.

The book, "Genius Genes", by Michael Fitzgerald & Brendon O'Brien, highlights 21 case studies of historic people, who are suspected to have had Asperger. They were acknowledged geniuses and renowned historical figures.

Thomas Jefferson

The authors point out that Jefferson was shy in social situations and lacked empathy for others. True to Asperger characteristics, he evidenced minimal common sense, but was a concrete thinker. Jefferson had little patience for mainstream society and was deemed "eccentric and quirky".

He enjoyed little rituals, such as soaking his feet in icy cold water every day. While Jefferson had wide interests, his focus on each of them was obsessive.

Even though he was a poor public speaker, Jefferson served as President of the United States. It is reported that he took "poetic license" when drafting the Declaration of Independence. The authors concluded there were enough Asperger syndrome details throughout Jefferson's life to support their claim.

Asperger Syndrome Details

Collective society often views people with Asperger's through a negative light of a handicap. There is little understanding about the condition itself. But, could Asperger syndrome sometimes be a gift instead of a curse?

People with the condition certainly can have bestowed gifts upon the world! Concert musicians, famous authors, artists, inventors and scientists have manifested their solitary passion for global pleasure and benefits.

The art is to unlock the human potential that we all have inside us, aspergers included.

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